Rosedale Harvard Gulch Neighborhood Association

 Board Meeting Minutes

June 24, 2021@ 7:00 PM

Meeting held outside at Rosedale Community Garden


l. Call to Order.  Tom Montoya, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

ll. Meeting Attendance.  Tom Montoya ( President), Jane Potts (Vice-President), Ginny Eiseman ( Secretary), Maria Hargett ( Business), Natalie Dorshimer ( Community Liaison), Susan Rafferty (Member at Large).  Absent board member- Ryan Lake (Treasurer) Community Guest – Bobby Dishell (RTD Outreach Director)  Community members:  David Fleckenstein, John Fleckenstein, James Dean, Jeff Walker, Susan Anderson, Mike Lapp. 

lll.  Approval of May 13, 2021, board meeting minutes:  Approved

IV.  Approval of Treasurer Report:  Beginning balance of $3,791.50.  Deposit donations of $71.92.  Expense of $18.77.  Ending balance of $3,844.65.

V. Report by Councilman Paul Kashmann.  Paul was not able to attend this meeting.

VI.  INC Report.  Jane Potts.  The June meeting (last Saturday of the Month at 10 AM)) will cover the Safe Open Spaces sites for the homeless.  Jane reports that 50% of the Denver homeless are working.  Other issues they are working on are the group living code, view codes in the Golden Triangle, and affordable housing

VII. Old Business 

a.      Discussion of Rosedale School Community Benefit Agreement.  Tom Montoya is heading this effort along with Jane Potts and Natalie Dorshimer to gather input from Rosedale residents on what will be needed to mitigate any possible problems and needs of the Rosedale residents who will be experiencing changes during construction for the high school and possible future needs after the school is established. A  meeting date in July is to be determine. 

b.     Neighborhood Watch- Susan Rafferty.  Crimes of opportunity have increased significantly as it has in all of Denver.  Street racing is getting attention by coordinating efforts with surrounding city police departments, using helicopters, and offering racing events at Bandimere Speedway.

c.     Discussion and approval of Communications Chair Position.  Mike Lapp has offered to be elected for this position.  Mike and his wife Lisa own the business SODO Village Market located at 2395 S Downing.  He has computer skills for this position and an interest is assisting the Rosedale community.  The Board approved Mike Lapp for the Communications position.  Pam Quigley and Tom Montoya will help orient Mike to the various duties such as web site management, eblasts, and roster of members.

d.     Summer Event Planning- Tom has been working on the permit for an August 28th event in the Harvard Park, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.  The plan is to have at least one band play on the basketball court, food trucks, and games.  Board members all agreed to work on this together and meet sometime in July.

VII.  New Business

a.     RTD director Outreach-Bobby Dishell.  There have been no known COVID infections related to taking public transportation this past year.  His agency is working on getting people to start taking RTD again, setting up an app for RTD, and communicate local and state plans for transportation.  During Covid restrictions, 40% of the riders stayed home.   Ridership never completely stopped but routes were limited.  The plan is to get the routes all back and running.  A complete report of current happenings at RTD can be requested from Bobby Dishell.  

b.     Meetings in July- There will not be a board meeting in July.  There will be a working committee meeting regarding the August Concert in July.  There will be a meeting with Rosedale residents who have signed up to participate in the Rosedale School Community Benefit Agreement. 

VIII.  Adjournment.  Adjourned at 8:00 PM


FYI-   Dates after this meeting were established for the Community Agreement to be held on July  22 and planning for the Concert on  Friday July 23 at the basketball courts at 7:00 PM.