Hello neighbors, it has been six months since the last Community Update and there is a lot of good news to report. First, despite the limitations on meeting imposed by the COVID Pandemic the RHGNA has stayed active in the community. Our monthly board meetings have been virtual and we are able to conduct business and carry-out activities and events. Our new Communications Chairperson, Mike Lapp, has done an outstanding job getting out our monthly e-blast newsletters.
On August 28th, RHGNA hosted the Annual Community Concert at Harvard Gulch Park. The estimated attendance was 500 people. The event featured two bands, Folka Polka and Crewe de Groove. In addition, there were two food trucks and several local vendors at the event. Ladder Truck from Fire Station 16 provided tours of the truck to the children at the event. In all the event cost $2,03.75 to produce. Fortunately, we were able to generate $2,284.84 in community sponsorships and donations. The RHGNA would like to recognize the office of City Councilman Paul Kashmann for his generous donation of $1,000.00. The board is planning on hosting the event again next year.
The RHGNA board is currently negotiating a Community Benefit Agreement for the Rosedale School. A working group has been formed to work with the Central Denver Classical High School Board to finalize the agreement. The working group members are; Jane Potts, Natalie Dorshmire, Maggie Guntren, Pam Pritzle, Jess Hastings, and myself. The Community Benefit Agreement will address issues related to the on-going construction and the future relationship of the school to the Rosedale Community. The Central Denver Classical High School Board and RHGNA Community Benefit Agreement will be appended to lease between Denver Public Schools and the Central Denver Classical High School Board.
The construction work at the Rosedale School has already begun. The contractor recently completed the asbestos abatement. The next step in the construction will be the installation of new utilities and the placement of storm water run-off mitigation on the site. There is also fencing being installed around the site. Most of the construction staging will be done on the East side parking lot. The main construction entrances will be on Iliff Ave. and Sherman St. The hours of construction operations will be 7:00 am to 7:00pm, Monday through Friday. On Weekends, the hours of operation are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. These hours are set by the City and County of Denver as part of the permit.
The future plans for the school call for the renovation of the central portion of the building. The original exterior architecture will be retained. The North and South wings will be eventually taken down and replaced by new structures. In addition, there will be a student parking lot and drop-off area constructed on the Sherman side of the site. A sports field will be constructed on the South end of the site. The Central Denver Classical High School Board plans to have its first freshman class in the building in Fall of 2022.
I hope this letter has informative. As always, if you have any questions please email me at president@rhgna.org.